Submissive or Feminine? What’s the Difference?

This is a subject that I have tested out myself. The difference in submissive vs feminine. At times they intertwine, but for me, there is a vast difference. In relationships, many use the terms Dom (Dominant) or Sub (Submissive) these terms are taken from the …

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Ladies, Single Moms are Hot on the Dating Scene

Ladies, single moms are hot on the dating scene. I know this to be true. Back when my daughter was younger, I couldn’t keep up with the men interested. I went on “meet and greet” dates for coffee with at least 100 guys over a 2-3 …

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How do You Know if you have a Backburner Friendship

This is a great question to answer. I often get asked about “how to know if you have a backburner relationship/s”. To know if you have a backburner friendship/s or acquaintance you look at why you’re still connected with the person. Really be honest with …

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Chemistry or Connection

Chemistry or Connection – How to Know the Difference

As we head into fall and the holidays, it’s the time of year for romance. Dating increases as summer wanes. It’s also a time when we are prone to get caught up in chemistry. The thrill! The passion! Romance! It’s lovely and magical. It’s such …

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Men that Respect Boundaries are Honorable Men

Men that respect boundaries are honorable men.  They just are!  Heartbreak is a story we tell ourselves.  In reality, it isn’t true. Though painful, our hearts are grieving loss and not broken.  It does not excuse disrespecting boundaries. It doesn’t excuse unacceptable behavior. Men that …

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