My Journey to Becoming a Relationship Coach

I am a certified coach and counselor with 26 – years of experience in personal growth and development, psychology, and human behavior with an emphasis on dating and relationships, which includes the most important one, with yourself. 

I started training in 2002 and my inner work became a life path, my passion.  A Certified Life Coach, Certified CBT  ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Coach, Dating & Relationship Coach.  I practice self-inquiry and inner growth work daily as it is part of my life and brings me clarity and understanding through all aspects of my life. 

I help those that want to have a more fulfilling relationship and life.  When we work on one aspect of our life that is holding us back it integrates into other areas of our life. 

Love is the one thing we all crave at a deep level.  We crave our true nature, our self-love, and to express that love to others.

Looking inside ourselves can be the scariest part of life, facing our fears, demons, guilt, hurt, and trauma.  I work with my clients to make this journey easier.

I have gone through many life experiences so that I have the ability to understand other’s pain and suffering.  I’ve walked through those and come out stronger, more loving, and able to face whatever comes up in life.  I’ve climbed the mountain.

Along with my ability to work with the subconscious and mindset, I bring to the table understanding, clarity, self-reflection, compassion, and honesty.  The kind of love that tells you what you need to hear all the while holding space and understanding that the EGO will fight it.

Inner peace and self-love come with a price, letting go of our story.  How easy is this process? It’s as easy as you want it to be. When we hold on to our story we experience pain and suffering. When we let go we then get the blissful feeling of freedom. Life becomes easier. Our relationships become easier. 

You want a deeply fulfilling relationship, let’s get started.  This work is not for the passive. It is for those dedicated to reaching that inner joy, that inner strength and finding a more fulfilling life and connections. Are you up for the journey? Schedule an appointment.

When I am not working I enjoy nature, travel, hiking, rock climbing, zip-lining, organic gardening, dance, opera, and live music. I have two amazing daughters and I love living in the mountains of North Carolina. I’m very passionate about advocating for climate action, civil rights, human rights, and equal rights for the hearing impaired.