5 Things Creates Lasting Relationships

There are constant behaviors that conscious couples have that help deepen the relationship.  They might not even know that they are doing it. They work together on the relationship, but they also work on themselves separately.  The relationship is an entity itself. These 5 things …

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Help! He Sees other Women, we’re Dating!

Help! He still sees other women while we’re dating. What do I do? This is a common complaint among women. They are dating a guy they like, enjoy, and want it to grow into something more. They want exclusivity. However, they feel stuck! Usually, they …

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Back burner relationships

Back-burner Relationships & Micro-cheating

I’m certain this article will be unpopular. Ruffle feathers. It calls out bullsh*t around back-burner relationships. Micro-cheating! What is a back-burner relationship? It’s having someone in case this current one doesn’t work out. You know you can go back to this person. You know this …

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Men that Respect Boundaries are Honorable Men

Men that respect boundaries are honorable men.  They just are!  Heartbreak is a story we tell ourselves.  In reality, it isn’t true. Though painful, our hearts are grieving loss and not broken.  It does not excuse disrespecting boundaries. It doesn’t excuse unacceptable behavior. Men that …

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That’s In The Past!

How to recognize when this cliche’ is being used against you I get told this phrase a lot in my family. They don’t like to discuss things to work them out, so they use this phrase to have the last word or to get me …

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