Green Flags Early in Dating can be Red Flags

We all know about Red Flags in dating and relationships. We usually only focus on the Red Flags when they show up. At least when we can notice them as Red Flags. Often, we miss them until they are screaming at us. Green Flags are …

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At Our Core, We all Crave Connection

At our core, we all crave connection, even before love develops.  We date and have friendships because we want connections.  It’s a basic need all humans have. What happens in our desire for connection is that we see the connection through our own lens.  Therefore, …

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Help! He Sees other Women, we’re Dating!

Help! He still sees other women while we’re dating. What do I do? This is a common complaint among women. They are dating a guy they like, enjoy, and want it to grow into something more. They want exclusivity. However, they feel stuck! Usually, they …

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Sharing vs Vomiting your problems to Women

Sharing VS. Vomiting your problems to Women. Men, I was told by a man, ” You know men when they find a listening ear” start sharing their problems. This was a coach that was sharing his problems with me his client, on my dime. That …

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