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I Need Him Back Desperately! Dating Mistakes!

I need him back desperately! I made a mistake! So, you made a dating mistake when dating someone and they left. You want them back desperately! So, you text and call only to have them unanswered. You feel so heartbroken that the mistake you made, …

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8 Things Women Don’t Want on a First Date

This is something many men think they know, but in reality, they don’t. What to say to women on the first date. Many want to get to the point and not waste time. So, they get to the point right away. Not a good plan. …

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At Our Core, We all Crave Connection

At our core, we all crave connection, even before love develops.  We date and have friendships because we want connections.  It’s a basic need all humans have. What happens in our desire for connection is that we see the connection through our own lens.  Therefore, …

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Chemistry or Connection

Chemistry or Connection – How to Know the Difference

As we head into fall and the holidays, it’s the time of year for romance. Dating increases as summer wanes. It’s also a time when we are prone to get caught up in chemistry. The thrill! The passion! Romance! It’s lovely and magical. It’s such …

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