You Don’t want a Peter Pan Project

Oh my! This topic is so close to my heart. I’ve absolutely had this happen to me, more than once. I’m empathetic, compassionate, and patient and it has attracted the wrong kind of men in my life. It took me decades to figure out how …

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8 Things Women Don’t Want on a First Date

This is something many men think they know, but in reality, they don’t. What to say to women on the first date. Many want to get to the point and not waste time. So, they get to the point right away. Not a good plan. …

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Dating Sucks! What to do?

Dating Sucks!  I hear this often.  What to do? Certainly, it can suck. Let’s talk about why it sucks and what to do. It can suck when we put effort into getting to know someone and then we get ghosted. We get disappointed when we …

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That’s In The Past!

How to recognize when this cliche’ is being used against you I get told this phrase a lot in my family. They don’t like to discuss things to work them out, so they use this phrase to have the last word or to get me …

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