Relationship Coaching is it Psychotherapy? Is it Worth it?

Relationship coaching is not psychotherapy. We do not dive deep into trauma or past history. What we do is use the past as a reference point and move into the present moment and present circumstances. It’s not an ongoing therapeutic relationship. Most clients find peace …

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Awake Therapy What is it?

What is Awake Therapy? In essence, to become Awake.  Awake Therapy is having honest, sometimes uncomfortable conversations that result in reconnecting with a deeper part of yourself to feel freer, more authentic, and more genuine in your relationships. Including the one with yourself. To become …

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Help! He Sees other Women, we’re Dating!

Help! He still sees other women while we’re dating. What do I do? This is a common complaint among women. They are dating a guy they like, enjoy, and want it to grow into something more. They want exclusivity. However, they feel stuck! Usually, they …

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