Green Flags Early in Dating can be Red Flags

We all know about Red Flags in dating and relationships. We usually only focus on the Red Flags when they show up. At least when we can notice them as Red Flags. Often, we miss them until they are screaming at us. Green Flags are …

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Awake Therapy What is it?

What is Awake Therapy? In essence, to become Awake.  Awake Therapy is having honest, sometimes uncomfortable conversations that result in reconnecting with a deeper part of yourself to feel freer, more authentic, and more genuine in your relationships. Including the one with yourself. To become …

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How Byron Katie – The Work – Changed Me

Back in 2000, I had just moved to another city. It was nearby where I grew up but in a whole different culture. I had been attending a new-age church before the move. I met new friends and started a new life. I had been …

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dating sucks

Dating Sucks! What to do?

Dating Sucks!  I hear this often.  What to do? Certainly, it can suck. Let’s talk about why it sucks and what to do. It can suck when we put effort into getting to know someone and then we get ghosted. We get disappointed when we …

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At Our Core, We all Crave Connection

At our core, we all crave connection, even before love develops.  We date and have friendships because we want connections.  It’s a basic need all humans have. What happens in our desire for connection is that we see the connection through our own lens.  Therefore, …

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