8 Questions to Ask Yourself if You have Reunited

Now that you have reunited what’s next? After the fun and lovemaking to reconnect the physical aspect of being back together, what’s next? Ask yourself these questions:  Has anything been resolved and agreed upon? What’s the commitment moving forward? Are you both on the same …

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Focus on How You Feel when Dating, Not Necessarily!

Focus on How You Feel when Dating, Not Necessarily true. Why? Because it depends on how you were conditioned and from where are you feeling it. By that, I mean what we think is chemistry is actually our brains recognizing a pattern in the person …

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How to Earn Her Trust Back

This is an awesome question. How to earn her trust back?  I have a few suggestions. The best person to ask is the person you are working with to gain their trust back. Trust is Earned When Actions Match Words. Keep tabs on your actions …

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How do You Know if you have a Backburner Friendship

This is a great question to answer. I often get asked about “how to know if you have a backburner relationship/s”. To know if you have a backburner friendship/s or acquaintance you look at why you’re still connected with the person. Really be honest with …

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How to Move on from a Disagreement!

We’ve all experienced a time when we’ve had an argument. After the argument is a crucial point in how things transpire. Often, if we’ve apologized and talked it out, there are affection and connection. There is a tiny bit of space where we have the …

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How to Know if an Apology is Real!

I hear a lot of people talk about reuniting and forgiving, giving another chance. They apologized. Said they won’t do it again. Then months later, it happens again. Seems like as a society we are confused about what forgiving is and how to know if …

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Mindful Relationships, What are They?

The new buzzword is mindful relationships. But what is a mindful relationship? It’s the exact same as conscious relationships. It’s paying attention to where things are going in the relationship. It’s also is making mindful decisions and reevaluating as you go. Often, having an intent …

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Relationship Counseling is it right for you?

Most asked about Relationship Concerns

The most asked concerns around relationships and dating. What to do when you are ghosted? We had chemistry! I can’t date anyone I don’t have chemistry with I keep missing my ex – I want to contact them, it’s driving me crazy My man keeps …

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