Men that Respect Boundaries are Honorable Men

Men that respect boundaries are honorable men.  They just are!  Heartbreak is a story we tell ourselves.  In reality, it isn’t true. Though painful, our hearts are grieving loss and not broken.  It does not excuse disrespecting boundaries. It doesn’t excuse unacceptable behavior. Men that …

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That’s In The Past!

How to recognize when this cliche’ is being used against you I get told this phrase a lot in my family. They don’t like to discuss things to work them out, so they use this phrase to have the last word or to get me …

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Trust is Earned when Actions Meet Words

In my area of the world, it is a very “Spiritual” town. I have no issue with being spiritual. I do however have an issue with the terms that create dysfunction because of the lack of critical thinking. That seems to be prominent in the …

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Follow through is a turn on to Women

Follow through is a turn on to women.  It is yummy, delicious and sexy.  Why, because to a feminine woman a man keeping his word equals Trust, Ease, Security and Respect.  That, in turn, creates love and arrousal. She can love all the other qualities …

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