How to Move on from a Disagreement!

We’ve all experienced a time when we’ve had an argument. After the argument is a crucial point in how things transpire. Often, if we’ve apologized and talked it out, there are affection and connection. There is a tiny bit of space where we have the …

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How to Know if an Apology is Real!

I hear a lot of people talk about reuniting and forgiving, giving another chance. They apologized. Said they won’t do it again. Then months later, it happens again. Seems like as a society we are confused about what forgiving is and how to know if …

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Relationship Coaching is it Psychotherapy? Is it Worth it?

Relationship coaching is not psychotherapy. We do not dive deep into trauma or past history. What we do is use the past as a reference point and move into the present moment and present circumstances. It’s not an ongoing therapeutic relationship. Most clients find peace …

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Back burner relationships

Back-burner Relationships & Micro-cheating

I’m certain this article will be unpopular. Ruffle feathers. It calls out bullsh*t around back-burner relationships. Micro-cheating! What is a back-burner relationship? It’s having someone in case this current one doesn’t work out. You know you can go back to this person. You know this …

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