When the toxic person you are battling is yourself!

I recently had someone ask me “What do you do if the toxic person you need to get out of a relationship with is yourself”.  Awesome question! One I’m very familiar with. First, let’s address the nature of toxic relationships with others. You will attract …

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6 Things I learned from a Covert Narcissist

I’ve had a lot of exposure and romantic relationships with men that have very strong narcissistic behaviors. Growing up with a narcissist (not diagnosed), I didn’t know that my brain was conditioned that certain behaviors were normal and acceptable. Even though those behaviors hurt deeply, …

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When We Ignore Our Needs to Keep a Man

I speak to a lot of women. One common issue that still seems to be systemic is ignoring our needs to keep a man. It shows up in many ways. Cognitive Dissonance is one way. This is where we have 2 conflicting belief systems going …

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10 Ways to be a Better Lover!

I usually don’t write about how to become a better lover because it’s something that usually shows up after we’ve done sessions. Often, it’s there waiting for them. However, since someone asked me to write it, here is my take on it. You become a …

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8 Questions to Ask Yourself if You have Reunited

Now that you have reunited what’s next? After the fun and lovemaking to reconnect the physical aspect of being back together, what’s next? Ask yourself these questions:  Has anything been resolved and agreed upon? What’s the commitment moving forward? Are you both on the same …

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5 Qualities of a Conscious Relationship

How to know if we are in a conscious relationship and how do we get into unconscious relationships? In my Ebook, The Awakening, I go into detail about what a conscious relationship is. Here are the 5 Qualities of a conscious couple. Conscious Couples make …

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