1:1 Relationship Counseling
Coaching with me is right for you, if...
This session is more in-depth about past, present and looking toward future desires in relationships and life. We look at your limiting beliefs and go deeper into you. 2 follow-up e-mails are included. Via phone or video chat.
The one-hour In-Depth session starts with me listening to what you bring to the table, where you are on your path. What you feel you need to share and be heard. Your painful issues are the key to unraveling the layers. This is a very important aspect of my work. Listening! Giving you space, time to contemplate and reflect in a non-judgmental way. After that, I ask a few questions, and reflect back on what I heard because It is important that I understand your beliefs, desires, dislikes, and pain. After I’ve asked a few questions, I’ll ask if you want to hear my thoughts on what I heard and if you desire to move deeper, we can then get into the “surgery” aspect of your beliefs. This requires a desire to look inside and find your truth outside of your story. What do I mean by surgery? Looking closely at your thoughts and beliefs, experiences. Getting deep down inside of you. Cleaning house! We have an opportunity to investigate and let go of unsupportive belief patterns. You notice an immediate relief.
- Sessions with me bring joy, understanding, freedom, and a clearer view of our part in our lives. It brings us back to us, our true nature. Present with the now. Not tainted by society, peers, media, or our families of origin. Inner peace shows up naturally.