Back burner relationships

Back-burner Relationships & Micro-cheating

I’m certain this article will be unpopular. Ruffle feathers. It calls out bullsh*t around back-burner relationships. Micro-cheating! What is a back-burner relationship? It’s having someone in case this current one doesn’t work out. You know you can go back to this person. You know this …

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Chemistry or Connection

Chemistry or Connection – How to Know the Difference

As we head into fall and the holidays, it’s the time of year for romance. Dating increases as summer wanes. It’s also a time when we are prone to get caught up in chemistry. The thrill! The passion! Romance! It’s lovely and magical. It’s such …

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Men that Respect Boundaries are Honorable Men

Men that respect boundaries are honorable men.  They just are!  Heartbreak is a story we tell ourselves.  In reality, it isn’t true. Though painful, our hearts are grieving loss and not broken.  It does not excuse disrespecting boundaries. It doesn’t excuse unacceptable behavior. Men that …

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That’s In The Past!

How to recognize when this cliche’ is being used against you I get told this phrase a lot in my family. They don’t like to discuss things to work them out, so they use this phrase to have the last word or to get me …

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Trust is Earned when Actions Meet Words

In my area of the world, it is a very “Spiritual” town. I have no issue with being spiritual. I do however have an issue with the terms that create dysfunction because of the lack of critical thinking. That seems to be prominent in the …

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How To Avoid A Unhealthy Relationship

I see so many experts, coaches say they can help you make Him or Her BEG to be your boyfriend/ girlfriend. First off, that turns my stomach, makes me feel really unsettled.  It is so manipulative in nature – even if the actual content to do …

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Seeing Things From Only Your Own Upset!

Seeing things from only your own upset is one of the things that most of us do! Not easy to admit we might have made a mistake or was quick to judge. Earlier last year I was recovering from major surgery on my right arm. …

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Comfort Zone Vice or Coping

Comfort zone Vice or Coping?  Can you determine if your “comfort or numbing” behavior is a vice or a coping behavior?  It can be both. Here is the deciding factor.  If you get a drink to numb or vice down the stress in your life …

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